Cangkufan is an implementation of the Sokoban puzzle game invented by Hiroyuki Imabayashi.
About Cangkufan
Cangkufan is the Chinese name for Sokoban.
Cangkufan was written by and is maintained by Pluto Yang([email protected]).
Cangkufan program is based on GTK, you need GTK+-2.0 or newer to compile.
Version 0.2 released on 6/3/03
Current features
- Automatically save/reload level to/from $HOME/.sokoban/
- Unlimited undo
- Move history can also be saved to $HOME/.sokoban/default
- A high score list for best move and best push in $HOME/.sokoban/high_scroe
- The moves of any solved level is saved under $HOME/.sokoban/
- Playback for every solved level
- Mouse support to move the character
- Mouse support to push the box
Future work
- Cleaner code
- Better graphic
- Automatically solver
Some link
- About auto solution U of alberta